- Details
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 12 February 2025 11:23
Free Amateur Radio License Classes and Testing.
SANDARC offers free in-person and online testing for FCC Amateur Radio licenses.
Our Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) offers free testing for all FCC Amateur Radio licenses several times during the year.
SANDARC does not charge you for your license test, be it your first time, re-test or license upgrade exam.
The FCC will charge you a $35 fee to issue your license. This is not paid to SANDARC.
Our Volunteer Examiners (VEs) are local hams who dedicate their time and expertise to ensure that the testing process fully complies with FCC regulations and procedures.
In-person testing is done at the following sites:
1. Carmel Mountain Ranch on the 2nd Saturday of the month.
San Diego Public Library
12095 World Trade Dr.
San Diego, CA
Exams begin at 3:00 PM.
Register: https://ham.study/sessions/sdham
Pre-registration preferred, but walk-ins allowed.
Time, date, and location may vary.
VE Team Lead: Heather KM6Z, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Check session listing on HamStudy.org
2. First Lutheran Church of El Cajon on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
First Lutheran Church of El Cajon
867 South Lincoln Avenue
El Cajon, CA
Exams begin at 9:00 AM
VE Team Leader: Mike Oberbauer KG6TDP
To register for an El Cajon in-person test session, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Walk-ins are permitted, but you MUST have been issued an FCC FRN and bring that information with you.
Check session listings on HamStudy.org Register on https://ham.study/sessions/sandarc
3. Escondido on the 4th Saturday of the month.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Stake Center
2255 Felicita Road
Escondido, CA
Exams begin at 9:00 AM
VE Team Leader: Jo Ashley KB6NMK This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Session Manager: Martin Latterich AF5T This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Register for an Escondido in-person test session by accessing this link: https://ham.study/sessions/sandarc and choose the In Person button. You MUST register for an exam. NO walk-ins are permitted.
Taking Your License Test
Things that you MUST have with you to be able to take an in-person test.
To take a test at the SANDARC in-person testing site, you will need to bring the following with you. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you do not have the proper documents and materials, as listed here, you will not be allowed to take a test.
1. You will need an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to register for an exam session.
2. A legal government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, passport).
If no photo ID is available, bring two original forms of government-issued identification; no photocopies:
a. Non-photo ID/driver's license (some states still have them)
b. Birth certificate (must be a certified copy with the government seal)
c. Local library card
d. Local utility bill, bank statement or other business correspondence that specifically names you or a postmarked envelope addressed to YOU at YOUR address listed on your FRN.
Minor students may bring any of the above items and a school ID or a legal guardian may present a photo ID.
If you are testing for a license class upgrade, bring either the original of your current Amateur Radio license, or the original of any Certificates of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) you may hold from a previous exam session. If your license has already been issued by FCC, the CSCE showing license credit is not needed. You may bring a calculator, but it must have its memory cleared and verified on site by a Volunteer Examiner. Cell phones/smart phones may not be used as calculators.
SANDARC Remote Online Exams on Zoom.
Online Exam Coordinator and Team Leader: Austin Smith W4PBL / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Send an email to schedule your exam. Please include “SANDARC Exam Request” in the subject of your email. Provide your availability. We will respond with possible exam dates and times. You’ll be testing within a few days.
Time may vary, depending on VE team available.
Check for existing online sessions at https://ham.study/sessions/sandarc and select the remote button.
Notice for ALL examinees using Zoom for remote exams:
Your Zoom connection for remote exams must be reliable!
It is important that clear audio and video performance is maintained throughout the Zoom session to accomplish applicant ID verification, exam space video inspection, screen sharing and exam monitoring.
The ability to share your screen in Zoom while using a web browser to run Exam Tools is all it takes for online exam success!
To test remotely with SANDARC, you will need:
1. To register online, during which the process will allow you to create an FCC Registration Number (FRN),
if you don't already have one.
2. A computer, tablet or phone with a stable internet connection with a modern web browser and possibly a second device
(e.g. a phone or a tablet) to provide another camera angle.
3. A legal government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, passport).
If no photo ID is available, bring two original forms of government-issued identification; no photocopies:
a. Non-photo ID/driver's license (some states still have them)
b. Birth certificate (must be a certified copy with the government seal)
c. Local library card
d. Local utility bill, bank statement or other business correspondence that specifically names you or a
postmarked envelope addressed to YOU at YOUR current mailing address listed on your FRN.
Minor students may bring any of the above items and a school ID or a legal guardian may present a photo ID.
(Optional) A calculator, but it must have its memory cleared and you must demonstrate that it is cleared to the satisfaction of the Volunteer Examiners. Cell phones/smart phones may not be used as calculators. Or you may use the calculator program on your computer.
Please Note: If you are testing for a license class upgrade, you may need the original of your current Amateur Radio license. If you tested recently, provide a copy of the original of any Certificates of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE). If the FCC has already issued your license, the CSCE showing license credit is not needed.
Expired Licenses: Please let the team/ leader know when you register, if you ever held any amateur radio license in the past and you allowed it to expire. We may ask for proof, but is possible in many cases to reclaim your previous class by successfully completing the Element 2 (technician) exam.
Good Luck and HAVE FUN On Your Test!
Amateur Radio Licensing Classes
Licensing classes are offered in the San Diego area by J. Goldberg, AF6GM.
Go to his web site, San Diego Amateur Radio Classes, to obtain information on upcoming classes.
SANDARC supplies the Volunteer Examiners who administer the tests after these classes.
Special Exam Requests: If you are unable to attend one of the Saturday exam sessions due to a disability or other issue or if your club or organization wants to take an exam as a group, contact Greg Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
to see if arrangements can be made for a special exam session.
Interested in becoming a Volunteer Examiner for SANDARC VEC? Here is a link to the Volunteer Examiner application.