New Ham

Have you recently earned your license and have some questions about how to get started?

Amateur Radio is one of the most varied and fulfilling hobbies in the world.

Do you enjoy experimenting with electronic devices and building your own equipment?  Amateur Radio!


   Do you enjoy talking with people in distant lands?  Amateur Radio!    N6KI

    Do you enjoy the thrill of a contest to see how many contacts you can make in a fixed period?  Amateur Radio!

   Do you enjoy community service and disaster preparation?  Amateur Radio! 

  Or, would you simply like to talk on the air with a group of people from all over about mutual hobbies such as

  fishing, travel, electronics or home mprovement, to name only a few?  Amateur Radio!



   If you need to keep your cat warm on those cold days, Amateur Radio can take care of that, too!Oliver

   Amateur Radio literally expands your horizons to the entire planet and beyond.  How much  you get involved is up to you.

   SANDARC is here to help you learn what you need to know to earn your Amateur Radio

   license and help get you  started in your new and exciting hobby.


Do you already have your license, but aren't sure what equipment to get or how to set up a station and antenna? 

Local Amateur Radio clubs have people who are ready and willing to help you get on the air.

There are clubs all over San Diego County.  Some are just general membership.  Others are dedicated to certain areas of Amateur Radio, such as the San Diego DX Club (DX = Distance = contacting hams in foreign countries).

You can buy your gear new from suppliers such as Ham Radio Outlet (HRO). Or buy used equipment from local hams or from sellers on the Internet (,, Craigslist, etc.).  Regarding used gear, having a knowledgeable and experienced ham friend and remembering the phrase caveat emptor can help to save you money and disappointment. 

Knowledge and patience are your friends.